Business valuation (3)
When Is There Need For A Business Valuation? The Top 9 Reasons
In the life of most businesses, there will come a time when there is a need for a business valuation. Here are the top nine reasons to seek a valuation.
Business Valuation Resources: Where To Find What You Need To Know
In most cases, business valuation is best left to the experts in most cases— but there are instances where you can calculate a rough value yourself. These business valuation resources can help.
Corporate Restructuring: Best Strategies For Your Business
Corporate restructuring strategies are pursued for a variety of reasons. Valuation is an important tool in evaluating strategies. Here’s what you need to know.
How To Select A Business Valuation Expert
When choosing a business valuation expert, it’s important to consider how the expert’s credentials and experience align with your needs. Here’s what to look for.
Going Concern Value—What Is It?
The going concern value of a business is usually much higher than its liquidation value. Here’s the definition of going concern value and how to calculate it.
EBITDA Valuation—What Is It?
EBITDA valuation is a quick and easy way to approximate enterprise value—but it only provides an estimate. Here’s how to calculate EBITDA value and when to use it.
Pre-Money Vs. Post-Money Valuation: What's The Difference?
Venture capital investment considers pre-money vs. post-money valuation in determining the investor’s ownership stake. Here’s what the terms mean.
Derivative Valuation Services
Derivative valuation services are required for valuing complex derivative financial instruments. Call on Valentiam’s derivative valuation experts to provide defensible values for derivatives.