Newsflash: OECD Announces Pillar 1 & 2 Agreement
The OECD announces an agreement among the Inclusive Framework on the BEPS Pillar 1 and 2 project addressing the tax challenges of the digitalized economy.
Newsflash: G-7 Reaches BEPS 2.0 International Tax Agreement
On June 5, 2021, the G-7 reached an agreement on OECD BEPS 2.0 Pillar One and Pillar Two initiatives, with promise to repeal Digital Services Taxes (DST).
Pillar 1 And Pillar 2 OECD Blueprints: An Overview
The Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 OECD blueprints have the potential to completely upend global tax and transfer pricing strategies. Here are the implications.
Using OECD Data For Country Risk Assessment [VIDEO]
Tax authorities utilize OECD data for country risk assessment—are your company’s transfer pricing reports free of red flags?
Valentiam Insights | OECD Unified Approach to Tax Corporate Profits
The Unified Approach is a radical departure from the existing system, in that it overlays formulary apportionment on top of the arm's length principle.
OECD Digital Tax Update: Pillar One, Beyond The Arm's Length Principle
The OECD has released a new Pillar One digital tax proposal known as the Unified Approach, which goes beyond the digital economy and arm's length principle