Let’s us have a conversation to see if we can create a success story like this for you as well.

For a Global Manufacturing Company

  • VG assisted with the preparation of all necessary transfer pricing compliance requirements for a company that more than tripled in size through two acquisitions over the previous two years.
  • VG developed a Master File report that integrated the transfer pricing and business activities from four different independent business units.
  • VG established the company's first Country-by-Country Report under the OECD BEPS requirements, incorporating information from various legacy financial systems meeting all regulatory deadlines.
  • VG prepared Local File transfer pricing reports for over 60 legal entities in twenty different countries.
  • VG worked with the clients' tax team and other external advisors to evaluate transfer pricing risk from the legacy business and to evaluate transfer pricing changes for the integrated company to mitigate risk and increase tax efficiency.

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