- Valentiam Group provided an outsourced transfer pricing solution while the client recruited and built in-house capability.
- Valentiam Group addressed all aspects of operational transfer pricing for the client, including setting transfer pricing and managing periodic adjustments.
- Valentiam Group produced all relevant transfer pricing compliance documents for both US and foreign countries.
- Valentiam Group worked with the clients’ tax team and outside advisors on numerous planning and restructuring initiatives, involving the valuation of intellectual property and the valuation of numerous entities within the company.
- Valentiam Group assisted the client with all aspects of its transfer pricing and valuation needs related to the integration of recent acquisitions.
- Valentiam Group worked with the clients’ tax team to manage the transfer pricing aspects of audits in both the US and foreign countries.
- Once the client team was in place, Valentiam Group continues to work closely with the client transfer pricing team in a co-sourcing approach to all aspects of transfer pricing and tax valuation matters – leveraging our knowledge and skills to ensure that that client achieves the best results.